Monday, August 29, 2011


Now that we are smoothly sailing across the North Atlantic with classes started and my work study begun I have finally wrestled some time to myself to send out an update:


My Semester at Sea began with my Mom in tow as we flew from Tampa International this  past Sunday with a longer than expected stop in Toronto then finally on to our first port of call of the voyage: Montreal. Packing for the trip was an accomplishment in itself and might warrant it's own post later on.  My two large rolling duffels and travel backpack we filled to the brim with everything from Clothes and school supplies to Nutella and dinosaur stickers.

Canada was my first port-o-call and I wanted to use is as a practice run of sorts before diving into some of the more exotic countries on itinerary this fall.

During our short time there we summited the Olympic stadium, had crepes for breakfast, poutine for dinner, explored the biodome, took in the Notre Dame Basilica, watched Tai Chi in china town, sailed the Lachine Canal and tasted our way through the markets.

More importantly, I was able to withdraw currency, test out my credit card while abroad and navigate using public transportation . I learned the hard way to be a little more prepared when my brand new electronics  and I were caught in a rather spiteful rain storm (don't worry, they survived). 

While I saw all of the required sights in Montreal my favorite experiences by far were the interactions. The slightly  awkward and nervous yet overwhelmingly optimistic first meeting of a small group of semester at sea students on my first night in the city. I was able rendezvous  with  a friend from UF and we went to the other side of the city for some french fries covered in gravy, cheese curds  and whatever else you could think of(Poutine) at restaurant that legitimately appreciated the musical stylings of Rick Astley  (Poutine la Banquise). Most memorably was my last night in port having a traditional French dinner a few hundred feet away from the floating campus that will be my home for the next 100 or so days. I spent my last few hours on land celebrating what it sure to be one of my most memorable birthdays with my mom and sister, then heading back to the hotel to spend another hour skyping with my dad before boarding the MV Explorer.

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